GAS managed learning programmes

Domestic | non-domestic | Meter installer

Elementary Gas Certificate (EGC)

The Elementary Gas Certificate (EGC) is an approved structured Managed Learning Programme (MLP), accredited by NICEIC Certification, for persons wishing to pursue a career in the gas industry. It is specifically suitable for individuals who have related qualifications and skills from an engineering/trade background wishing a change in career.

It is designed to deliver a credible learning experience built around industry guidelines detailed in the Institution of Gas Engineers and Managers document IGEM/IG/1 “Standards of Training in Gas Work”.

Successful completion of the full training programme, along with sufficient “on the job” training and experience, will entitle the learner to be presented for assessment under the Nationally Accredited Certification Scheme for Individual Gas Fitting Operatives (ACS). Only by proving competence under ACS will the learner be eligible to apply for Gas Safe registration, a legal requirement for anyone working on gas in the UK, Isle of Man and Guernsey.

Requirements For Training

Includes both “off the job” theoretical and practical subjects performed within the controlled environment of an approved training centre with further “on the job” practical activities gained through a work placement under the direct supervision of a competent engineer employed by a business.

The competent engineer and company must be Gas Safe Registered if working within the scope of the Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations.

A ‘portfolio of evidence’ must also be constructed to record the extent of “on the job” training received, and level of experience gained.

The overall duration of “off the job” and “on the job” training will be dependant on what MLP you chose, and type/frequency of gas work undertaken.

Our Managed Learning Programmes

Domestic elementary gas certificate

Domestic MLP courses block or day release

Core Domestic Gas Safety

Core element to be completed for all routes.
Training Centre – 8 Weeks
Work Experience – Minimum 12 weeks

Appliance Elements


Central Heating Boilers and Water Heaters.
Additional Training – 5 Days
Additional Work Experience – 30 Days


Domestic Gas Cooking Appliances.
Additional Training – 1 Day
Additional Work Experience – 20 Days


Domestic Gas Fires, Wall Heaters and Stoves
Additional Training – 1 Day
Additional Work Experience – 20 Days


Domestic Gas-Fired Ducted Air Heaters ≤ 70 kW net
Additional Training – 1 Day
Additional Work Experience – 20 Days


Domestic Gas-Fired Laundry Appliances
Additional Training – 1 Day
Additional Work Experience – 20 Days

Portfolio of work evidence must be completed during course.

Non-Domestic elementary gas certificate

The Non-Domestic Elementary Gas Certificate (NDEGC) is delivered in two parts:
    • Part 1: Covers all common matters of gas safety in the non-domestic utilisation sector.
    • Part 2: In-depth training on your chosen specialised area of work.
  • Part 1 MUST be completed before commencing Part 2.

    On completion of each part you will be issued with an NICEIC Certificate. Only on completion of both parts will you be eligible for entry into the gas ACS certification scheme.

    All courses are available block or day release.

    Part 1

    Core Non-Domestic Gas Safety.
    Training Centre – 4 Weeks
    Work Experience – Minimum 3 months

    Specialised Areas of Study (Part 2)


    Non-Domestic Heating Appliances
    Training Centre – 4 Weeks
    Work Experience – Minimum 6 Months


    Commercial Catering Appliances
    Training Centre – 4 Weeks
    Work Experience – Minimum 4 Months


    Commercial Laundry Appliances
    Training Centre – 4 Weeks
    Work Experience – Minimum 6 Months

    Ind. Process

    Industrial Process/plant
    Training Centre – 4 Weeks
    Work Experience – Minimum 6 Months

    Portfolio of work evidence must be completed during each course.

    Meter Installer elementary gas certificate

    Meter Installer MLP courses block or day release

    CMA 1

    Meter Installer  – Domestic & Non-Domestic.
    Training Centre – 6 Weeks
    Work Experience – 6 to 8 Weeks

    CMA 2LS

    Domestic Meter Installer – Capped Outlet
    Training Centre – 3 Weeks
    Work Experience – 5 Weeks

    CMA 3

    Domestic Meter Installer
    Training Centre – 6 Weeks
    Work Experience – 6 to 8 Weeks

    Portfolio of work evidence must be completed during course.

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